Saturday, September 20, 2008

Scarecrow (1973). Yeah, I'm lazy. But here's a review, ok?

     Hi all!   No posts in a while?  Yeah, I'm lazy.   Can someone look into that shit for me?  Thanks! It doesn't matter anyway, it's not like anyone reads this blog anyhow *sobs*.

     Anyslacker, I'm going to enlighten you peeples about the little-discussed gem of the 70s and Mr. Pachinko at his finest:  Scarecrow.  Also starring a dude called Gene Hackman.  ("Name rings a bell... Can't place him.")

     I just saw this movie and my jaw hung open the entire time.  Shut up!  I know what you're thinking!  You're sick!  What I mean is that I was completely engrossed the whole time.  Yes, it was that good.  Pacino was that good.

     Basically Gene Hackman (his name in the movie, duh) is a weirdo drifter who runs into good-natured Lion at the side of some desolate California highway.   Max/Hackman  was in jail 'n' stuff, and Al/Lion was on some ship with a bunch of gay dudes for 5 years running from "Mouth" from Dog Day Afternoon (Penny Allen)  and their baby.  Now, I will incise.

     Here's our first piece of evidence:
     That's Lion laughing at some dumb ass shit humorous anecdote that Max has just related over dinner.

     Here's Max at dinner. In all his grace...
     Yeah, he's yucky!  (Yeah, that's the only picture I have of Gene Hackman!  So shoot me! Go to a Hackman website if it's that important to you!  This isn't one! etc.)  

     Max is basically eating dinner drunkily and acting like a jackass.  He puts the moves on Frenchy, a girl who looks like kinda pretty but is super floozyish and who I'm too lazy to get a picture of.   Lion is a cutiepootietootatlootie and speaks respectfully to Max's sister while all of this funnybusiness is occuring.      Vis:
     This scene in particular serves to highlight how different Al and Gene Lion and Max are.
I won't draw it out for you, but it is a pivotal point in the film, to me.

     So, Lion and Max go around the country with one another, gradually becoming the only person the other one trusts, blah, blah, blah...

     Eventually, they arrive in Detroit, where Lion must confront his baby moms, Whatsername (Penny Allen).  This stupid hobag, and this is a spoiler, tells Lion their baby is dead.
Here is the baby listening.  Said baby is alive and well after all!  Notice the freaking Twilight Zone resemblance to Al:
(For those of you who need captions, the below picture is of Al Pacino *coughs*; his character, Lion, is getting the news about the 'baby' [Hitchcock style!])
     So, of course, Lion takes this, um, hard.  I won't ruin it for you, but I will say this:  The ending of this film is one of the most haunting, beautiful endings of all endings out there in movie-movie land. Hackman (dare I say it?) is wonderful, and Al is simply -- beautifully -- at his best here.   You see a hardened, shell of a man become... well, something of beauty. It's an incredible film... infinitely re-watchable, and a beautiful performance from the greatest actor alive.  Okay, enough with the mushiness. *coughs*

     Basically, IF you refuse to watch this movie, you might as well go watch an episode of "The Hills" or something, because you obviously have no taste and string noodles for brains.  Ithankyou.


This movie  gets a  solid 9.995 out of 10!  Yet another early masterpiece of our god boy, Al.  

The breakdown of the scores   (No, they don't average out! AND?):

Al's hotness:  9.997
Story: 9.901
Other Actors Not Sucking: 9
Is Richard Bright in this Movie? NO??? :    :(

pacinoinrealtime pacino in real time pacino in real time pacinoinrealtime


Unknown said...

I just want you to know, I just found this blog today and it has made my week.

Why, you ask? Well, it's simple, for I too am obsessed with Al Pacino. It's been about two years now, ever since I saw my first Pacino movie, Scarface, and fell in love with his hot bod, as they say. Oh, and his unearthly acting ability, or whatever.

It's nice to find a kindred spirit.

Musings said...

Thanks kelsey! A kindred spirit, eh? Well, I like spirits, specifically liquor. Does that count? ;)

love musings

p.s. hey, your profile's PRIVATE?! Drat!

Anonymous said...

Your reviews are superbly self-indulgent. Your site seems to be devoted to you rather than your subject.

If I were Al I'd be pissed!

Musings said...

well, anonymous, thanks for your kind words *cough*

1) it's supposed to be silly. it's supposed to be a different take than all the Pacino sites out there. A bit more personal, so yeah. self-indulgent? nah. sorry if you don't like it, I guess.

2)Al's probably never going to see it, anyways!

3)And if he does by some wild chance, and he's actually "pissed", then he's not the kind of guy I thought he was. but I doubt that would happen. I think you're wrong. hopefully, he'd be flattered.

4)GENE (?!?!), is that you?! go write another book, or something!

5) see for more "humor" (?) in this vein, you ray of light, you!

*sobs uncontrollably*

Musings said...

p.s. 'cause, I do lubs him, anonymous!

*continues sobbing*

Mary said...

So happy you found me, Al Pacino is a freakin' god. But you have beat me to it, I have only seen the post-Godfather works, so I have nothing to contribute to your thoughts as of yet. Must get back on netflix.

Bob VE3MPG said...

I was an extra in the closing segment of this movie at the Detroit bus station, just as the credits start rolling. I just happened to be in Detroit and at the bus station. It's a great movie and must get a copy on DVD. I'll never forget seeing Hackman and Pacino on the set.

stefaneechi said...

My favourite part is when Pacino tries to stop Hackman from brawling by dancing with him. Pacino looks so itty bitty in Hackman's arms.